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Contemplation - Some Musings from Neville
Meditation Talk - for those wanting some gudelines
Sermons 2025
Welcome to Epiphany! - Jenni Berg 02/02/2025
Sermons 2024
Christmas Day - Tell us about God – We have forgotten - Karen Sloan 25/12/2024
Advent Reflection - Love - Matthew Sloan 22/12/2024
Rejoice, the Lord is near - Richard Smith 15/12/2024
50th Anniversary Servcie - WDUC - Karen Sloan and Friends - 01/12/2024
An Oldie but a Goodie - Karen Sloan 24/11/2024
Leading through service - Rev Dennis Ryle 20/10/2024
Where can wisdom be found? - Dr Richard Smith 13/10/2024
Will we love God for nothing? Terry Quinn 06/10/2024
Care for the earth - Jenni Berg 29/09/2024
What is greatness - Doug Lambert 22/09/2024
Seasons of Creation - Celebration and Lament - Rev Dennis Ryle 15/09/2024
Sticking labels on people! - Rev Dr John Shepherd 08/09/2024
Seasons of Creation, not humans! - Karen Sloan 01/09/2024
A Blood and Guts Human - Karen Sloan 28/08/2024
Refections - Terry Quinn 18/08/2024
Reflections - Rev Dr Cathie Lambert 04/08/2024
Listening, Camino Style! - Karen Sloan 28/07/2024
Storm Care - Rev Dennis Ryle 21/07/2024
Celebrating Twatness! - Karen Sloan 14/04/2024
Homily for Easter - Terry Quinn 07/04/2024
Easter Sunday - Rev Dr Cathie Lambert 31/03/2024
Palm Sunday - Rev John Shepherd 24/03/2024
Wearing the Purple - Rev Dennis Ryle 17/03/2024
What do we make of snakes? - Doug Lambert 10/03/2024
The Gospel of James – Malcolm, that is! James Malcolm 03/03/2024
Why Jesus? - Karen Sloan 25/02/2024
The Meaning of holy Communion - Jenni Berg 18/02/2024
The Transfiguration, Christian Orthodoxy and Jung – James Lamev 11/02/20024
An Epiphany of Sorts! - Dr Richard Smith 04/02/2024
Words, words, words - Matthew Sloan 28/01/2024
Books, books, books! - Karen Sloan 21/01/2024
Sermons 2023
Joy is not made to be a crumb - Karen Sloan 24/12/2023
Revolutionary Love - Take 3 - Karen Sloan 17/12/2023
Show me the ways to peace! - Karen Sloan 29/10/2023
When Vision Fails - Rev Denis Ryle 15/10/2023
On Religion and sustainability - Dr Richard Smith 08/10/2023
Will We Go? - Karen Sloan 01/10/2023
A Challenge! - Karen Sloan 24/09/2023
Love Actually - Karen Sloan 09/09/2023
A Call - Kerry McMillan 03/09/2023
Stand Up! - Karen Sloan 27/08/2023
Bringing Together - Rev Dennis Ryle - 20/08/2023
Don't weed - Karen Sloan 23/07/2023
What it is to be human - Karen Sloan 09/07/2023
Who is our brother? - Karen Sloan 25/06/2023
Disciples of Compassion - Dennis Ryle 18/06/2023
A letter to the congregation - Karen Sloan 28/05/2023
Climate change - The Spirit of the Thing - Dr. Al Riebau 21/05/2023
Sermons 2022
Faith? - Jenni Berg 02/10/2022
How to change the system! - Karen Sloan 21/09/2022
The Blessing of Shrewdness - Rev Dennis Ryle 18/09/2022
Stand up and be free! - Karen Sloan 21/08/2022
Fearless truth telling - Rev Dr Cathie Lambert 14/08/2022
Sell your possessions and give to the poor! - Dr Richard Smith 07/08/2022
Closing of ministry message - for Pastor Karen - Rev Dr Cathie Lambert 31/07/2022
That's it for now! Karen Sloan 24/04/2022
What God is really about! - Karen Sloan 17/04/2022
Join the Party! - Karen Sloan 10/04/2022
Women hold up half the sky - James Lamev 03/04/2022
A choice, yesterday and today - Karen Sloan 27/03/2022
Gardening - Matt Sloan 20/03/2022
Darkness, darkness all around us! - Karen Sloan 13/03/2022
Love wastefully - Jim Malcolm 06/03/2022
Need to go up and come down the mountain - Kerry MacMillan - 27/02/2022
Who is my enemy? - Rev Cathie Lambert - 20/02/2022
Peace not War against Nature. - Dr Richard Smith - 13/02/2022
Fishy Stories - Doug Lambert - 06/02/2022
What are we waiting for? - Karen Sloan 30/01/2022
Who the heck is Jesus, really! - Karen Sloan 23/01/2022
Older Sermons
A Universal Christmas - Karen Sloan 25/12/2021
Show me the ways to peace - Karen Sloan 05/12/2021
Real Hope - Karen Sloan 28/11/2021
Who speaks for us? - Karen Sloan 14/11/2021
The Future of Faith - a New Look! - Karen Sloan 31/10/2021
Reflections about life - Doug Lambert 10/10/2021
Wisdom and sustainability - Dr Richard Smith - 03/10/2021
A grassrotos revolution - Karen Sloan 26/09/2021
The child within - Rev Dennis Ryle - 19/09/2021
Sustainability - A Cost Effective Way to Live! - Karen Sloan - 12/09/2021
What's it all about! - Rev Neville Watson - 05/09/2021
Love you like crazy! - Paul Montague 29/08/2021
Journeys - Karen Sloan 22/08/2021
A Theology of Consequence - Karen Sloan 08/08/2021
God of the Dark and of the Light - Karen Sloan 01/08/2021
Who is this Jesus? - Karen Sloan 25/07/2021
Receiving the other - Rev Dennis Ryle 18/07/2021
Healing - Now and Then - Rev Gemmel Sherwood 11/07/2021
My grace is sufficient - Rev Brian Thorpe-04/07/2021
A story about and for women! - Karen Sloan 27/06/2021
Who is this man? - Karen Sloan 20/06/2021
Pentecost 2021 - Karen Sloan 23/05/2021
Revolutionary Love - Take 2 - Karen Sloan 16/05/2021
The Road to Emmaus - Rev. Neville Watson - 25/04/2021
We are an Easter People - Rev Dennis Ryle 18/04/2021
Easter Sunday - Whats art got to do with it! - Karen Sloan 04/04/2021
A Good Friday Liturgy - Karen Sloan 02/04/2021
Palm Sunday - The Choices We Make! - Karen Sloan 28/03/2021
A New Covenant - Doug Lambert 21/03/2021
What do snakes have to do with it! - Rev Cathie Lambert 14/03/2021
The Temple Act -Matthew Sloan 07/03/2021
The Way of the Cross, a Way of Love - Karen Sloan 28/02/2021
The Mystery of the Bogus Baptism - Jim Malcolm 21/02/2021
A Time of Reflection and Renewal - Karen Sloan 14/02/2021
We can be mystics too! - Karen Sloan 31/01/2021
How do we think God speaks to us? Part 1 and 2
A Man for Others - A Christmas Day Sermon - 25/12/2020 Karen Sloan 25
Joy is the gift of love - Karen Sloan 20/12/2020
Revolutionary Love - Karen Sloan 13/12/2020
Some trust in Chariots! - Karen Sloan 06/12/2020
Climate Crisis - An Opportunity for which the Church was Born - Dr Richard Smith 08/11/2020
Leadership - Doug Lambert 01/11/2020
So What Now? - Karen Sloan 25/10/2020
Where has Jesus Gone? Lydia’s voice - Karen Sloan 18/10/2020
A Friend like Mary! - Karen Sloan 11/10/2020
Women hold up half the sky - Karen Sloan 04/10/2020
Moving Forward - Rev Marion Millin 27/09/2020
My Rights! - Rev. Brian Thorpe 20/09/2020
Forgiveness, reconciliation, Renewal - Rev. Dennis Ryle 13/09/2020
Voices of Dissent, Voices of Love - Rev Cathie Lambert 06/09/2020
Exploring Disorder - Rev. Dennis Ryle 30/08/2020
What the future holds- Karen Sloan 23/08/2020
What about Jesus? What about us? - Karen Sloan 16/08/2020
How the science story can speak to people of fatih - Karen Sloan 09/08/2020
How the God story spoke to a Scientist - Karen Sloan 02/08/2020
Law:Commandment?? Rev. Brian Thorpe 26/07/2020
Don't Weed! - Karen Sloan 19/07/2020
The Sower - Rev Cathie Lambert 12/07/2020
Path of Wisdom - Rev. Marion Millin 05/07/2020
Trust, in what? - Karen Sloan 28/06/2020
What do we do with fear? - Kerry MacMillan 21/06/2020
A New Day - Karen Sloan 14/06/2020
21st Century Trinity - Dr Richard Smith 07062020
Evolution is not just biological! - Karen Sloan 31/05/2020
Are we there yet? - Doug Lambert 24/05/2020
Mystery - Rev. Marion Millin 17/05/2020
Music for the Ages - Karen Sloan 10/05/2020
They Heard His Voice - Rev Dennis Ryle 03/05/2020
Earth Day -Thomas Style - Karen Sloan 26/04/2020
Third Sunday Musings - Doug Lambert 19/04/2020
Easter in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic! Karen Sloan 12/4/2020
Good Friday - Reflective Service - Karen Sloan 10/04/2020
Palm Sunday - Karen Sloan and Rev Prof Bill Loader 5/04/2020
Crap, can we start again - Karen Sloan 29/03/2020
Rethinking and Renewing - Brian Thorpe 22/03/2020
What..!! - Karen Sloan 15/03/2020
Hello Darkness - Rev Cathie Lambert 8/3/2020
Turning inside out - Jim Malcolm 23/2/2020
Choose Life - Rev Marion Millin 16/02/2020
Making our Commitment - Karen Sloan 9/02/2020
Living the Talk - Doug Lambert 2/2/2020
I am the One - Rev Marion Millin 19/1/2020
The Baptism of Jesus - Terry Quinn 12/01/2020
Jesus the Light of the World – highjacked by the Cuckoo - Dr Richard Smith 5/01/2020
What's in a name? - Karen Sloan 8/9/2019
Solving the Climate Crisis - Richard Smith 25/08/2019
A letter to my brother George - Karen Sloan 18/8/2019
Leaving Church! - Karen Sloan 4/8/2019
What would i want to hear in a sermon - Karen Sloan 24/03/2019
Wembley Downs Uniting Church
Search Sermons
Who Are We
Our Preachers
Our Story
Progressive Christianity
Worship Style
Community Life
Social and Ecological Justice
Sunday Service
Coffee Group
Special Events
Contemplation - Some Musings from Neville
Meditation Talk - for those wanting some gudelines
Sermons 2025
Welcome to Epiphany! - Jenni Berg 02/02/2025
Sermons 2024
Christmas Day - Tell us about God – We have forgotten - Karen Sloan 25/12/2024
Advent Reflection - Love - Matthew Sloan 22/12/2024
Rejoice, the Lord is near - Richard Smith 15/12/2024
50th Anniversary Servcie - WDUC - Karen Sloan and Friends - 01/12/2024
An Oldie but a Goodie - Karen Sloan 24/11/2024
Leading through service - Rev Dennis Ryle 20/10/2024
Where can wisdom be found? - Dr Richard Smith 13/10/2024
Will we love God for nothing? Terry Quinn 06/10/2024
Care for the earth - Jenni Berg 29/09/2024
What is greatness - Doug Lambert 22/09/2024
Seasons of Creation - Celebration and Lament - Rev Dennis Ryle 15/09/2024
Sticking labels on people! - Rev Dr John Shepherd 08/09/2024
Seasons of Creation, not humans! - Karen Sloan 01/09/2024
A Blood and Guts Human - Karen Sloan 28/08/2024
Refections - Terry Quinn 18/08/2024
Reflections - Rev Dr Cathie Lambert 04/08/2024
Listening, Camino Style! - Karen Sloan 28/07/2024
Storm Care - Rev Dennis Ryle 21/07/2024
Celebrating Twatness! - Karen Sloan 14/04/2024
Homily for Easter - Terry Quinn 07/04/2024
Easter Sunday - Rev Dr Cathie Lambert 31/03/2024
Palm Sunday - Rev John Shepherd 24/03/2024
Wearing the Purple - Rev Dennis Ryle 17/03/2024
What do we make of snakes? - Doug Lambert 10/03/2024
The Gospel of James – Malcolm, that is! James Malcolm 03/03/2024
Why Jesus? - Karen Sloan 25/02/2024
The Meaning of holy Communion - Jenni Berg 18/02/2024
The Transfiguration, Christian Orthodoxy and Jung – James Lamev 11/02/20024
An Epiphany of Sorts! - Dr Richard Smith 04/02/2024
Words, words, words - Matthew Sloan 28/01/2024
Books, books, books! - Karen Sloan 21/01/2024
Sermons 2023
Joy is not made to be a crumb - Karen Sloan 24/12/2023
Revolutionary Love - Take 3 - Karen Sloan 17/12/2023
Show me the ways to peace! - Karen Sloan 29/10/2023
When Vision Fails - Rev Denis Ryle 15/10/2023
On Religion and sustainability - Dr Richard Smith 08/10/2023
Will We Go? - Karen Sloan 01/10/2023
A Challenge! - Karen Sloan 24/09/2023
Love Actually - Karen Sloan 09/09/2023
A Call - Kerry McMillan 03/09/2023
Stand Up! - Karen Sloan 27/08/2023
Bringing Together - Rev Dennis Ryle - 20/08/2023
Don't weed - Karen Sloan 23/07/2023
What it is to be human - Karen Sloan 09/07/2023
Who is our brother? - Karen Sloan 25/06/2023
Disciples of Compassion - Dennis Ryle 18/06/2023
A letter to the congregation - Karen Sloan 28/05/2023
Climate change - The Spirit of the Thing - Dr. Al Riebau 21/05/2023
Sermons 2022
Faith? - Jenni Berg 02/10/2022
How to change the system! - Karen Sloan 21/09/2022
The Blessing of Shrewdness - Rev Dennis Ryle 18/09/2022
Stand up and be free! - Karen Sloan 21/08/2022
Fearless truth telling - Rev Dr Cathie Lambert 14/08/2022
Sell your possessions and give to the poor! - Dr Richard Smith 07/08/2022
Closing of ministry message - for Pastor Karen - Rev Dr Cathie Lambert 31/07/2022
That's it for now! Karen Sloan 24/04/2022
What God is really about! - Karen Sloan 17/04/2022
Join the Party! - Karen Sloan 10/04/2022
Women hold up half the sky - James Lamev 03/04/2022
A choice, yesterday and today - Karen Sloan 27/03/2022
Gardening - Matt Sloan 20/03/2022
Darkness, darkness all around us! - Karen Sloan 13/03/2022
Love wastefully - Jim Malcolm 06/03/2022
Need to go up and come down the mountain - Kerry MacMillan - 27/02/2022
Who is my enemy? - Rev Cathie Lambert - 20/02/2022
Peace not War against Nature. - Dr Richard Smith - 13/02/2022
Fishy Stories - Doug Lambert - 06/02/2022
What are we waiting for? - Karen Sloan 30/01/2022
Who the heck is Jesus, really! - Karen Sloan 23/01/2022
Older Sermons
A Universal Christmas - Karen Sloan 25/12/2021
Show me the ways to peace - Karen Sloan 05/12/2021
Real Hope - Karen Sloan 28/11/2021
Who speaks for us? - Karen Sloan 14/11/2021
The Future of Faith - a New Look! - Karen Sloan 31/10/2021
Reflections about life - Doug Lambert 10/10/2021
Wisdom and sustainability - Dr Richard Smith - 03/10/2021
A grassrotos revolution - Karen Sloan 26/09/2021
The child within - Rev Dennis Ryle - 19/09/2021
Sustainability - A Cost Effective Way to Live! - Karen Sloan - 12/09/2021
What's it all about! - Rev Neville Watson - 05/09/2021
Love you like crazy! - Paul Montague 29/08/2021
Journeys - Karen Sloan 22/08/2021
A Theology of Consequence - Karen Sloan 08/08/2021
God of the Dark and of the Light - Karen Sloan 01/08/2021
Who is this Jesus? - Karen Sloan 25/07/2021
Receiving the other - Rev Dennis Ryle 18/07/2021
Healing - Now and Then - Rev Gemmel Sherwood 11/07/2021
My grace is sufficient - Rev Brian Thorpe-04/07/2021
A story about and for women! - Karen Sloan 27/06/2021
Who is this man? - Karen Sloan 20/06/2021
Pentecost 2021 - Karen Sloan 23/05/2021
Revolutionary Love - Take 2 - Karen Sloan 16/05/2021
The Road to Emmaus - Rev. Neville Watson - 25/04/2021
We are an Easter People - Rev Dennis Ryle 18/04/2021
Easter Sunday - Whats art got to do with it! - Karen Sloan 04/04/2021
A Good Friday Liturgy - Karen Sloan 02/04/2021
Palm Sunday - The Choices We Make! - Karen Sloan 28/03/2021
A New Covenant - Doug Lambert 21/03/2021
What do snakes have to do with it! - Rev Cathie Lambert 14/03/2021
The Temple Act -Matthew Sloan 07/03/2021
The Way of the Cross, a Way of Love - Karen Sloan 28/02/2021
The Mystery of the Bogus Baptism - Jim Malcolm 21/02/2021
A Time of Reflection and Renewal - Karen Sloan 14/02/2021
We can be mystics too! - Karen Sloan 31/01/2021
How do we think God speaks to us? Part 1 and 2
A Man for Others - A Christmas Day Sermon - 25/12/2020 Karen Sloan 25
Joy is the gift of love - Karen Sloan 20/12/2020
Revolutionary Love - Karen Sloan 13/12/2020
Some trust in Chariots! - Karen Sloan 06/12/2020
Climate Crisis - An Opportunity for which the Church was Born - Dr Richard Smith 08/11/2020
Leadership - Doug Lambert 01/11/2020
So What Now? - Karen Sloan 25/10/2020
Where has Jesus Gone? Lydia’s voice - Karen Sloan 18/10/2020
A Friend like Mary! - Karen Sloan 11/10/2020
Women hold up half the sky - Karen Sloan 04/10/2020
Moving Forward - Rev Marion Millin 27/09/2020
My Rights! - Rev. Brian Thorpe 20/09/2020
Forgiveness, reconciliation, Renewal - Rev. Dennis Ryle 13/09/2020
Voices of Dissent, Voices of Love - Rev Cathie Lambert 06/09/2020
Exploring Disorder - Rev. Dennis Ryle 30/08/2020
What the future holds- Karen Sloan 23/08/2020
What about Jesus? What about us? - Karen Sloan 16/08/2020
How the science story can speak to people of fatih - Karen Sloan 09/08/2020
How the God story spoke to a Scientist - Karen Sloan 02/08/2020
Law:Commandment?? Rev. Brian Thorpe 26/07/2020
Don't Weed! - Karen Sloan 19/07/2020
The Sower - Rev Cathie Lambert 12/07/2020
Path of Wisdom - Rev. Marion Millin 05/07/2020
Trust, in what? - Karen Sloan 28/06/2020
What do we do with fear? - Kerry MacMillan 21/06/2020
A New Day - Karen Sloan 14/06/2020
21st Century Trinity - Dr Richard Smith 07062020
Evolution is not just biological! - Karen Sloan 31/05/2020
Are we there yet? - Doug Lambert 24/05/2020
Mystery - Rev. Marion Millin 17/05/2020
Music for the Ages - Karen Sloan 10/05/2020
They Heard His Voice - Rev Dennis Ryle 03/05/2020
Earth Day -Thomas Style - Karen Sloan 26/04/2020
Third Sunday Musings - Doug Lambert 19/04/2020
Easter in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic! Karen Sloan 12/4/2020
Good Friday - Reflective Service - Karen Sloan 10/04/2020
Palm Sunday - Karen Sloan and Rev Prof Bill Loader 5/04/2020
Crap, can we start again - Karen Sloan 29/03/2020
Rethinking and Renewing - Brian Thorpe 22/03/2020
What..!! - Karen Sloan 15/03/2020
Hello Darkness - Rev Cathie Lambert 8/3/2020
Turning inside out - Jim Malcolm 23/2/2020
Choose Life - Rev Marion Millin 16/02/2020
Making our Commitment - Karen Sloan 9/02/2020
Living the Talk - Doug Lambert 2/2/2020
I am the One - Rev Marion Millin 19/1/2020
The Baptism of Jesus - Terry Quinn 12/01/2020
Jesus the Light of the World – highjacked by the Cuckoo - Dr Richard Smith 5/01/2020
What's in a name? - Karen Sloan 8/9/2019
Solving the Climate Crisis - Richard Smith 25/08/2019
A letter to my brother George - Karen Sloan 18/8/2019
Leaving Church! - Karen Sloan 4/8/2019
What would i want to hear in a sermon - Karen Sloan 24/03/2019
Sermons 2023
Joy is not made to be a crumb - Karen Sloan 24/12/2023
Revolutionary Love - Take 3 - Karen Sloan 17/12/2023
Show me the ways to peace! - Karen Sloan 29/10/2023
When Vision Fails - Rev Denis Ryle 15/10/2023
On Religion and sustainability - Dr Richard Smith 08/10/2023
Will We Go? - Karen Sloan 01/10/2023
A Challenge! - Karen Sloan 24/09/2023
Love Actually - Karen Sloan 09/09/2023
A Call - Kerry McMillan 03/09/2023
Stand Up! - Karen Sloan 27/08/2023
Bringing Together - Rev Dennis Ryle - 20/08/2023
Don't weed - Karen Sloan 23/07/2023
What it is to be human - Karen Sloan 09/07/2023
Who is our brother? - Karen Sloan 25/06/2023
Disciples of Compassion - Dennis Ryle 18/06/2023
A letter to the congregation - Karen Sloan 28/05/2023
Climate change - The Spirit of the Thing - Dr. Al Riebau 21/05/2023