The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
Albert Einstein
Progressive Network of WA - Newsletter Number 5 - March 2020
Aims of the Network
1. Promoting progressive religious and spiritual thought and practice
2. Exploring the implications of critical biblical or scriptural scholarship and the emerging proposals of eminent contemporary theologians, scholars and others.
3. Exploring alternatives to traditional religious beliefs and practices and new ways to understand religious faith and spirituality
Newsletter– March 2020
Welcome to our fifth newsletter, and the first for 2020. It was a busy second half of 2019 with a series on the Book of Ruth, run over 5 weeks, as well as many attending the Common Dreams Conference with Matthew Fox in July. A forum was held at Wembley Downs Uniting Church in September which gave a Common Dreams summary to those unable to attend.
This year we have already had one talk by Rev. Prof. Bill Loader, held prior to lent. Bill unfortunately now lives in Orange, NSW, and is not so free to grace us with his knowledge and fine presentations but we managed to convince him to come to us while he was here for a family wedding. Over 70 people were challenged and inspired by his talk.
We have much going on in 2020, from another Sustainability Seminar,to two Living the Questions studies. We will also welcome Val Webb back to Perth, for a series of talks on women theologians and their role in eco-theology in September.
We hope to keep you informed on meetings and activities planned for the remainder of 2020.
Book Club
The book club continues to meet, and currently over 20 people are regulars. We gather on the second Monday of the month at Wembley Downs Uniting (down stairs), 9.30 am for coffee, with a 10 am start going until 11.30 am. We alternate a book with an interesting podcast, video or piece of writing from elsewhere.
We started 2020 with Jim Wallis’s new book, “Christ in Crisis”, a great read which opened our eyes to what is happening in the USA, in terms of politics and social justice. While American focused it showed that the life of Jesus in the gospels is so much more than the personal salvation story much of traditional Christianity is focused on. We can change the world if we really follow Jesus and his teachings. And the book does have a great deal of to say to us and our own situation here in Australia.
The next meeting is on the 9thMarch when we will watch a video. We are meeting at 2 pm so we can access to the equipment upstairs. The next book is ‘Damascus” by Christos Tsiolkas, which will be discussed in April.
Let me know if you want to join. The books are very interesting, the discussion lively and the people friendly and welcoming.
Program for 2020
“Song of Songs” presented by Rev Dr Lisa M Wolfe
from - Upperty Women of the Bible, A Living the Questions Series
Coffee at 3.30 pm, Study starts at 4 pm – 5 30pm, Wednesday afternoons
May 13th, 20th, 27th, June 3rd, 10thand 17th.
· $20 Cost of Coffee and Cake
· $20 for DVD, Transcript and Study Guide
All Saints Floreat Uniting Church - Undercroft
Session 1
Her and Him (Song of Songs 1.5; 2.7; 3.5, 10, 11; 5.8, 16 and 8.4)
Session 2
What about Solomon? ( Readings about Dodi and the King)
Session 3
A misunderstood Book (Poetic features and genre)
Session 4
Don’t hurry love (A couple in love - Importance of translation)
Session 5
Your Eyes are Doves (Discovering Layers of Meaning)
Session 6
What’s it All About? (UPPITY: self-assertive, non-deferential?)
“Sustainability Now” Seminar
May 2nd, Floreat Uniting Church
9.30 am – 4 pm
A number of invited speakers, scientists, activists and people of faith will talk about how we develop a sustainable future for ourselves, and future generations.
Our special guest speaker will be Rev Tim Costello AO.
Val Webb Returns in September
A theologian, writer and wonderful presenter, Val will return in September (dates to be finalised) to help us “Recover the Women Theologians of our Tradition”. And also to “Hear the Feminine Voice in Ecotheology”.
Val will be here for some talks, and to preach at Wembley Downs Uniting Church.
The Jesus Fatwa – Love your Muslim Neighbour as Yourself. A Study on Islam in the Western World.
Presented by Rev Ben Daniel (A Living the Questions series)
Coffee at 3.30 pm, Study starts at 4 pm – 5.30pm, Wednesday afternoons
Oct14th, 21th, 28th, Nov 4rd, 11th.
· $20 Cost of Coffee and Cake
· $20 for DVD, Transcript and Study Guide
All Saints Floreat Uniting Church - Undercroft
Session 1
Islam 101 (Beliefs, Origins, Doctrines, The 5 Pillars, The Great Diversity)
Session 2
Misconceptions about Islam (Looking back before looking ahead, A History of Stereotypes)
Session 3
Islam in America (Prejudice and civil rights, A History of Discrimination, America the Beautiful)
Session 4
Making Connections 1 (Adjusting our Malarkey Filter, Doing your Homework, Reaching out to Muslims, A Question of Honesty, A Future Together)
Session 5
Making Connections 2 (A Common Word Between Us and You, Mercy and Love)
A Poem to Finish
The Peace of Wild Things – Wendell Berry
When despair for the world grows in me
And I wake in the night at the least sound
In fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
Rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
Who do not tax their lives with forethought
Of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day blind stars
Waiting with their light.
For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Marie Yuncken 0410061279
Richard Smith 0447232945
Karen Sloan 0421314008